Analyses for the media industry

Analysis of trends, balance and diversity of reporting with reference to the editorial strategy.

The public opinion and public attitudes (concerning important social issues) are constantly influenced by media.

Purposes of news analysis and other formats:

  • internally to improve the quality of the content,
  • for an editorial self-reflection,
  • as a tool for strategic management of content and form of reporting,
  • to assess the relationship between the content and business feedbacks.

Results of the content analysis are subsequently evaluated in terms of diversity and other qualitative indicators within the media coverage. Detailed coverage is classified by political parties and key representatives of state institutions and businesses.

The existence of these data subsequently allows to objectify the debate and criticism of representatives, interest groups or supervisory bodies.

Diagram: The use of content analytics within the media corporation



Media publicity analysis as a tool for editorial management

Content analytics empowers editorial desks to right decisions which are based on concrete figures not the feelings. It delivers in depth comparison with other media as it analyses trends, balance and diversity of aired content and takes in account editorial strategy and codes.
